Scar Tissue

Improving scar tissue through acupuncture is definitely possible. We can reduce both the visual scar as well as the pain often assosiated with scar tissue through improving the flow of blood and qi (energy) into the area.

Scar tissue can often be painful as the skin is taut and the body's response is to protect that area. From a Chinese medicine perspective the scar tissue causes a blockage of qi (energy). So by using acupuncture techniques that increase blood flow into the area and allow for the release of the stagnant energy not only can we see a visual improvement but also a reduction in pain.

This is particularly relevant where a scar intersects one or more meridians. C-section scars, for example, cut right across several of the yin meridians within the body. Yin energy reflects our softer more feminine qualities and interfering with this flow of energy can have a plethora of consequences.


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