Traditional Acupuncture
Uncover the secrets of this traditional healing practice. Using the body to reach a diagnosis we are then able to treat a plethora of health concerns. Needles are placed along the meridians either promoting or reducing the flow of energy as individually required.
Orthopaedic Acupuncture
Discover the simple beauty of this ancient treatment. From its affordable cost to its amazing benefits, it's the perfect entry point into the world of acupuncture.
With Orthopaedic acupuncture we are able to treat a range of orthopaedic issues that would otherwise be treated with medication. The needles are placed along the meridians to encourage energy and blood flow into the area gently promoting healing.
Relaxing Acupuncture
Acupuncture is usually a very relaxing experience, and people often find themselves drifting off.
We can also specifically target your emotional needs, supporting anxiety, grief, insomnia etc.
Adjunct Treatments
Cupping may be often be combined with your orthopaedic acupuncture session. It is usually done afterwards as a further method of increasing blood flow and hence healing into the area. It usually feels really relaxing and most people love it! Claire uses a combination of traditional cups and modern dynamic cups.
External heat may also be applied to bring warmth to meridian points. Particularly useful for cold conditions.
The utilisation of microsystems, such as auricular acupuncture which utilises points on the ear to treat the whole body is particularly useful. These point combinations are often very powerful and quite often our go to for certain conditions, e.g migraines.
They also allow us to treat areas that may be uncomfortable to treat directly, e.g. eczema, swollen limbs etc.
Traditional Acupuncture (inclusive of all types listed above)
Single Acupuncture session: £50.
Block of 5 Sessions: £225. There is no expiry date.
Please allow 90 minutues.
For an Orthopaedic only treatment:
Single Acupuncture session: £40.
Please allow 60 minutues.
Usually people start to see some improvement within 72 hours of their first session. However, each person and scenario is different. We will discuss at the end of the session, but usually a few are required to get the best results.