Easy and Potent Breathing Technique

Travelling up the back of the body is the governing meridian which governs all of the yang energy within the body. This is our active energy, it's associated with the sun, the masculine, ‘doing’ rather than ‘being’. This pathway starts at the pelvic floor and runs up the posterior line, over the crown of the head to the roof of the mouth.

The second pathway, travelling up the front of the body is the conception meridian which governs all of the yin energy within the body. This is our passive energy, it's associated with the moon, the feminine, ‘being’ rather than ‘doing’. This pathway starts at the pelvic floor and runs up the anterior line to the centre of the chin.

One of the breathing practices used by acupuncturists before treating patients is called the 'Heavenly Circuit' and it utilises these two pathways. As you inhale, visualise the breath moving up the back of the body along the yang / governing meridian, pause at the roof of the mouth and then allow the exhale to move down the conception / yin meridian back to the pelvic floor.

Take several rounds, noticing and really feeling the breath and movement of energy. As all other meridians intersect this pathway, the energy cultivated through this practice flows into the rest of the body, nourishing and harmonizing the internal organs with potent Qi.


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